Good app! Some caveats.
Like many others, I was searching for a replacement for Mailbox when it was shut down. I tried Spark, but it had way too many features, a cluttered interface, and some inexplicable glitches like hiding content in emails sent from listservs. I like this app much better. Boxer has a clean, simple interface, much like Mailbox did. Caveats: no "snoozing", only a "to do" list. Also, theres currently no way to have the badge number display the total emails in your inbox rather than unread emails. Also, you cant see any folders you had set up previously. And (nitpicking), Im not crazy about the big circles with the email senders initial next to each email. I think it looks cluttered and is a waste of space. Why are they all different colors (or shades of blue if you choose that option)? Unless the colors/ shades mean something, dont make them different. UX 101. Anyway, good mail app! I can deal with little annoyances.
kh022189 about
Boxer Lite